Version: 6.0.7j
Current URL: theolist21.oess1.uk
Client Name: The OLIST
Logo: https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/oess-uk1/clientimages/66mainlogo.png
The Annual Open Exhibition of Fine and Applied arts
The South West Academy (SWAc) invites all local, national and international fine and applied artists to enter the 2024 Open Exhibition to be held at Kennaway House, Coburg Road, Sidmouth, Devon. EX10 8NG. This is the 25th consecutive call to artists for this exhibition which has been held ever since the turn of The Millennium. Work in three as well as two dimensions, applied arts and the fine a...
Preselection Completed
Entry Deadline: 17/09/2024, Midnight
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
Login.Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery
Celebrating Britain’s Historic Vessels
Historic ships are to be found in ports and harbours around the UK. This new painting competition offers prizes for work depicting and celebrating ships and vessels on the National Historic Ships Register. There are some 2000 vessels on the Register, ranging from large ships to canal boats, in locations to be found all over the United Kingdom...
Final Selection Completed
Entry Deadline: 23/09/2024, 5pm
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
Login.Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
Open Submission
Artists are invited to submit two works to the RSW Annual exhibition. All works must be in a water based medium, this includes gouache, acrylic, pen & ink, collage and mixed media as well as traditional watercolour. Works submitted should be suitably presented and able to be hung, with no fixings on the back. Any unsuitable presentation may prejudice the hanging of works. No editioned print...
Preselection Completed
Entry Deadline: 10/11/2024, Midnight
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
Login.Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery
Non-Members 2025
Established in 1919, the Society of Graphic Fine Art is the only national society based in the UK which is dedicated exclusively to drawing. It exists to promote and exhibit original works of high quality in colour or black and white. This includes traditional and contemporary media. The emphasis is on excellence in drawing and draughtsmanship, demonstrated by hand.
...Final Selection Completed
Entry Deadline: 04/01/2025, 5pm
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
Login.Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery
Final Selection Completed
Entry Deadline: 28/01/2025, 23:59
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
Login.Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
Exploring the landscape, challenging audiences
We are looking for sculptors to take part in our second ‘Sculpture in the Landscape’ exhibition, set alongside our permanent collection of 90 mixed media pieces, to enhance the landscape and challenge audiences of all ages when visiting the 45-acre award winning garden & parkland in North Yorkshire.
Our charitable objectives are the advancement of the arts, horticulture and environmen...
Final Selection Completed
Entry Deadline: 05/02/2025, 4pm
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
Login.Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery
Preselection Completed
Entry Deadline: 06/02/2025, Midday
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
Login.Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
A showcase for artists based in Coventry and the West Midlands.
Set up to showcase local talent and provide selling opportunities for artists, Coventry Open celebrates the quality and diversity of art being produced in Coventry and the wider region. Visual artists working in any medium are invited to submit images and supporting information about their work.
Submitting your work for consideration is completely free and open to anyone in the West Midla...
Limited Calli
Preselection Completed
Entry Deadline: 17/02/2025, Midnight
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
Login.Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
A showcase for young artists (15-18 years) based in Coventry and the West Midlands.
This year the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum are hosting the second Coventry Open, Young Artists category, celebrating and showcasing the quality and diversity of art being produced by young creatives in Coventry and the wider region. Young artists aged 15-18 years, working in any medium are invited to submit images and supporting information about their work.
Submitting your work for con...
Limited Calli
Final Selection Completed
Entry Deadline: 17/02/2025, Midnight
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
Login.Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
The Annual Open Exhibition of Fine and Applied arts
The South West Academy (SWAc) invites all local, national and international fine and applied artists to enter the 2024 Open Exhibition to be held at Kennaway House, Coburg Road, Sidmouth, Devon. EX10 8NG. This is the 25th consecutive call to artists for this exhibition which has been held ever since the turn of The Millennium. Work in three as well as two dimensions, applied arts and the fine arts are welcomed. Submissions are welcomed in a range of artforms including painting, drawing, print, sculpture, photography, textiles, multi-media, jewellery, glass and ceramics.
Call Status: Preselection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery
Entry Deadline: 17/09/2024, Midnight
Exhibition Contact: swac.contact@gmail.com
Open For Entry: Thursday 4th July 2024
Entry Deadline: Midnight - Tuesday 17th September 2024
Selection Notification: Tuesday 8th October 2024
Artwork Delivery: Sunday 27th October 2024, 11:00 - 14:00pm.
Private View: Thursday 31st October 2024 18.30pm - 20.30pm including the Prize Awards and sponsors evening.
There will be Gallery Exhibition Awards, National Art Material Awards, Members President Award, cash prizes plus a Young Artist Award for under 25. Prize winners will be notified prior to the event so they can attend to collect prizes.
Exhibition Open To Public: Tuesday 29th October 2024 until Saturday 9th November - 10.30am - 16.30 pm
Collection of unsold work: Saturday 9th November 2024 between 17.30pm and 19.00pm
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 6
First or Single Entry Price: £20.00
Additional Entries: £20.00 per artwork up to 6 artworks.
Young Person under 25 years old.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 4
First or Single Entry Price: £18.00
Additional Entries: £18.00 per artwork up to 4 artworks.
SWAc Academicians Entry Only
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
Free Entry - please check conditions in Entry Details and Information.
Artist Under 20 (up to and including 1st August)
Maximum Artwork Entries: 4
First or Single Entry Price: £14.00
Additional Entries: £14.00 per artwork up to 4 artworks.
General Information
The South West Academy of Fine and Applied Arts invite submissions of work from visual and applied artists working in any medium. Please see restrictions listed under Exhibition Details. Submission is by online entry only. You can enter up to 6 works. The Selection panel may select up to a maximum of 4 works per artist. The exhibition will be held at the home of The South West Academy - Kennaway House, Coburg Road, Sidmouth, Devon. EX10 8NG
Submissions of work are invited from visual and applied artists working in any medium. Please see restrictions listed under Exhibition Details.
Submission Procedure
Submission is by online entry only. Please click on the link from our website at www.southwestacademy.org.uk and follow the instructions.
Image Uploads
Image files should be JPG or PNG and no more than 5MB large. Upload time will depend on your internet connection speed so please be patient. If you are having problems uploading your images please use image editing software to resize your image to approximately 1600 pixels wide and then save as a new file. Image file names should not be too long and should not contain any invalid characters such as ' " & % * ( ) < > / \ ~ # + =
All work should be clearly labelled with the artists’ name, title of work and selling price attached to a label on string attached to the rear of the work. Metal and clip frames are not acceptable. Work which is deemed as sharp or dangerous will not be exhibited. All 2D work should have exhibition quality cord securely attached to D rings on the back for hanging.
Artwork should be no more than 100cm in any direction for 2D work excluding textiles where 200cms long is accepted.
Artwork Types
All work selected for exhibition will be expected to be for sale. SWAc commission is charged at 40%. It will be assumed that the sale price includes the cost of any frame and our commission. Please allow for these points when pricing your work. Prices should include VAT if applicable. If you are VAT registered, please provide a VAT number in the box provided. Minimum sales price, excluding editions of prints, £200 per work.
All communication will be by email or posted on-line. Applicants will be required to login to see if they have been selected and will be asked to download and print their application details to be delivered with the artwork. Please log in after 12 noon on Tuesday 8th October 2024 to check the selection outcome. Failure to do so could result in work being withdrawn from the exhibition. Please make a note of your login-details and password.
The Selection Committee will select the works for the exhibition. The Selectors will consider all correctly completed submissions. The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into. All work preselected on-line will be entered directly into the exhibition as there is no final selection.
Artists are responsible for insuring their own work. All works accepted for exhibition will be displayed entirely at the artists' risk and SWAc and Kennaway House will not accept liability for loss or damage occurring during the exhibition, storage or transit.
Delivery and Collection
Artists are responsible for the delivery and collection of their work to Kennaway House. All packaging materials must be removed after delivery (no storage is available for this) and brought back at collection. If you are applying from overseas, please consider how you will get your work to and from the exhibition at the required times.
Work not collected at the stated times will be subject to a daily charge of £10 after the first day any work not uplifted after a week becomes the property of SWAc and may be disposed of as they seem fit including by way of sale. The administration of The Academy is not able to manage the return of artwork and it is the artists responsibility to collect during the specified period of time or to arrange and pay for a courier to collect on their behalf. The Academy will do its best to repack artwork for couriers but cannot guarantee this service or to be open during all courier operating hours. It is the artist’s responsibility to notify The Academy of collection arrangements.
All 2D work should be framed and ready to hang with D rings and suitable cord attached. Box frames of not less than 3.5 cms in depth are acceptable. Metal and clip frames are not acceptable. Any work which is unframed, badly framed or arriving late may be excluded from the exhibition on the discretion of the selectors.
Artists should attach a label with string to the reverse of 2D work or front of 3D work with name, title and exhibition sale price. This label should be attached such that the string will hang over the front of 2D work but not hang below once the label and string is placed behind the work.
By submitting to the exhibition you are deemed to accept and agree to the following:
The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final, including exhibition layout and no correspondence will be entered into.
I understand that SWAc reserves the right to make such changes to the exhibition arrangements and these Terms & Conditions as may be deemed necessary by circumstances.
I authorise SWAc to process, store, and utilise the data in my submission and agree that, if selected for exhibition, images of my work can be freely used by SWAc and associated organisations for exhibition promotional and publicity purposes.
All information provided by me is true and accurate and that the work submitted is wholly of my own creation.
I have read and understood these terms and conditions and by submitting this application I accept and agree to observe all the Terms And Conditions therein.
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
Celebrating Britain’s Historic Vessels
Historic ships are to be found in ports and harbours around the UK. This new painting competition offers prizes for work depicting and celebrating ships and vessels on the National Historic Ships Register. There are some 2000 vessels on the Register, ranging from large ships to canal boats, in locations to be found all over the United Kingdom. You may view a selection of historic vessels by going to: https://www.nationalhistoricships.org.uk/page/afloat-or-ashore-painting-competition
The competition is for work recording your engagement as an artist with one of these historic vessels. You are encouraged to visit a site yourself in order to sketch, paint, photograph, talk to those at work, and so absorb the significance of the particular vessel. The judges will be looking for some indication that you have done this.
You may use any medium except digitally manipulated photographs (there is another award for photography, see NHS website). If submitting prints, these should be traditionally hand-worked, i.e. not digital (giclee) reproductions.
The size of work should not exceed 80 cm longest dimension, to include the frame if any.
There is an entry fee of £10 for each work submitted. This will be collected online when you make your entry.
By entering a work into this competition, you will be confirming that:
• it was produced in the last three years
• it is your original work
• it does not infringe the copyright or other rights of any third party
There will be a special prize for young artists in the age group 11 – 16. The entry fee for each work submitted will be £5. This will be collected online when you make your entry
Baltic Exchange is proud to award the first prize of £1,000 for the best painting depicting the nation’s historic vessels. Since out origins in 1744, we have been an independent source of maritime market information. This award celebrates the artistic portrayal of our rich maritime heritage, honouring the connection between historical integrity and artistic expression.
Arthur Beale Open Neck Sailor’s Smock These sailcloth smocks have been designed to be highly practical pieces of work wear. The canvas cuts out cold wind while sailing. They can be used over a tee shirt in warmer weather or over a woollen pullover in the winter. As they are easy to wash and they protect woollens from dirt while undertaking mucky tasks. Two handy front pockets keep tools close to hand. And they are brilliant for artists too!
Daler-Rowney has been inspiring creativity since 1783 with a range of products including, paints and brushes etc. A prize is £120.00 worth of art materials.
Art Marine The prize for an outstanding painting of a square - rigger £100.00 or gift voucher for a print value of £200.00. In addition to the prize the winner will be offered representation at www.artmarine.co.uk
Classic Sailing are pleased to offer a creative journey aboard pilot cutter TALLULAH in Cornwall. Experience three days of artistic inspiration along the South Coast. Learn from a resident artist and no sailing experience required. Join us for an unforgettable voyage in 2025.
GRAYHOUND & Guild of Ships We are thrilled to support the Afloat 7 Ashore competition. GRAYHOUND is a replica 18th century ship that offers voyages and cargo runs. The winner of the £500 voucher will be warmly welcomed for the adventure of a lifetime. Guild of Ships is a booking platform for traditional sailing ships and a circular economy service that builds community in the ultra-low-emission sail sector. We look forward to staying connected with the competition.
Worshipful Company of Shipwrights A prize of £150.00 for the work by a 11to16 year old junior artist.
Seawhite of Brighton A prize open to 11 to16 year olds using any medium. The winner will receive a £100.00 voucher for use at our retail website. www.artsaver.co.uk
Call Status: Final Selection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
Entry Deadline: 23/09/2024, 5pm
Exhibition Contact: johnscottmartin@gmail.com
Open For Entry: 3 June 2024
Entry Deadline: 23 September 2024, 5pm.
Selection Notification: Log in to OESS from 12 noon on Friday 4th October 2024
Artwork Delivery: To be notified
Private View: To be notified
Exhibition Open To Public: To be notified
Collection of unsold work: To be notified
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 3
First or Single Entry Price: £10.00
Additional Entries: £10.00 per artwork up to 3 artworks.
Young Person under 16 years old.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 3
First or Single Entry Price: £5.00
Additional Entries: £5.00 per artwork up to 3 artworks.
General Information
The exhibition will be held at the Custom House, Quayside, Exeter. Arrangements to be notified.
Submissions of work are invited from visual artists working in any medium except digitally manipulated photographs (there is another award for photography, see NHS website). If submitting prints, these should be traditionally hand-worked, i.e. not digital (Giclee) reproductions.
The original work should not exceed 80cm longest dimension, to include the frame if any.
Image Uploads
Image files should be JPG or PNG and no more than 5MB large. Upload time will depend on your internet connection speed so please be patient. If you are having problems uploading your images please use image editing software to resize your image to approximately 1600 pixels wide and then save as a new file. Image file names should not be too long and should not contain any invalid characters such as ' " & % * ( ) < > / ~ # + =
Work selected for exhibition will be expected to be for sale. Commission is charged by the gallery. It will be assumed that the sale price includes the cost of any frame and our commission. Please allow for these points when pricing your work. Prices should include VAT if applicable. If you are VAT registered please provide a VAT number in the box provided.
All communication will be by email. Successful applicants will be notified by email and must respond within one week to confirm participation. Failure to do so could result in work being withdrawn From the exhibition.
The information you give is kept on the OESS electronic record system and is accessible only to authorized staff. Personal data is held alongside the relevant images for copyright and acknowledgement purposes.
There is an entry fee of £10 for each work submitted. This will be collected online when you make your entry.
By entering a work into this competition, you will be confirming that:
- it was produced in the last three years
- it is your original work
- it does not infringe the copyright or other rights of any third party
There will be a special prize for young artists in the age group 11 – 16. The entry fee for each work submitted will be £5. This will be collected online when you make your entry.
The work will be judged by a panel including from National Historic Ships Hannah Cunliffe. Members of The Royal Society of Marine Artists John Scott Martin and David Curtis. John Killens from the Wapping Group of Artists; and David Johnson an art and design education professional. The Selection Committee will select the works for the exhibition. The Selectors will consider all correctly completed submissions. The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Artists are responsible for insuring their own work. All works accepted for exhibition will be displayed entirely at the artists' risk and organizers and the gallery will not accept liability for loss or damage occurring during the exhibition.
Delivery and Collection
Artists are responsible for the delivery and collection of their work at the Gallery. All packaging materials must be removed after delivery (no gallery storage is available for this) and brought back at collection. If you are applying from overseas please consider how you will get your work to and from the exhibition at the required times.
Work not collected at the stated times will be subject to a daily charge of £10 and will be disposed of after one week.
Online Selling
If 'Online Selling' is used and artworks are not delivered to the gallery, artists will be responsible for the safe delivery of artworks should an artwork be sold via the online gallery.
If a buyer makes a purchase via the online gallery the organizers will contact the artist and buyer to determine if there are additional postage and handling charges that need to be charged to the buyer.
List of Prizes*
Baltic Exchange is proud to award the first prize of £1,000 for the best painting depicting the nation’s historic vessels. Since out origins in 1744, we have been an independent source of maritime market information. This award celebrates the artistic portrayal of our rich maritime heritage, honouring the connection between historical integrity and artistic expression.
Arthur Beale Open Neck Sailors Smock These sailcloth smocks have been designed to be highly practical pieces of work wear. The canvas cuts out cold wind while sailing. They can be used over a tee shirt in warmer weather or over a woolen pullover in the winter. As they are easy to wash and they protect woolens from dirt while undertaking mucky tasks. Two handy front pockets keep tools close to hand. And they are brilliant for artists too!
Daler-Rowney has been inspiring creativity since 1783 with a range of products including, paints and brushes etc. A prize is £120.00 worth of art materials.
Art Marine The prize for an outstanding painting of a square - rigger £100.00 or gift voucher for a print value of £200.00. In addition to the prize the winner will be offered representation at www.artmarine.co.uk
Classic Sailing are pleased to offer a creative journey aboard pilot cutter TALLULAH in Cornwall. Experience three days of artistic inspiration along the South Coast. Learn from a resident artist and no sailing experience required. Join us for an unforgettable voyage in 2025.
GRAYHOUND & Guild of Ships We are thrilled to support the Afloat 7 Ashore competition. GRAYHOUND is a replica 18th century ship that offers voyages and cargo runs. The winner of the £500 voucher will be warmly welcomed for the adventure of a lifetime. Guild of Ships is a booking platform for traditional sailing ships and a circular economy service that builds community in the ultra-low-emission sail sector. We look forward to staying connected with the competition.
Worshipful Company of Shipwrights A prize of £150.00 for the work by a 11to16 year old junior artist.
Seawhites of Brighton A prize open to 11 to 16 year olds using any medium. The winner will receive a £100.00 voucher for use at our retail website. www.artsaver.co.uk
Reproduction Rights and Copyright
For each work you enter in the Competition you will be asked to grant the RSMA and NHS-UK a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use for two years, and publicly display your work solely in connection with the Competition or linked promotional material including RSMA and NHS-UK websites and without any further notice or remuneration to you. Your entry asks you to provide your name in the format you wish to be used in any acknowledgements.
If your work is selected, we reserve the right to reproduce it for commercial purposes including, but not limited to, calendars, promotional flyers and on social media, by doing so you agree to give the RSMA and NHS-UK a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free licence to use, copy, modify, translate and / or adapt, distribute and publicly display your work.
*The prizes must be taken as stated and cannot be deferred. There will be no cash alternatives to the prizes. Any prize remaining unclaimed six months after the closing date of the Competition will be declared void.
Governing Law
Valid wherever legal, the rules of this competition are subject to English law and the parties to any dispute or action shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
By submitting to the exhibition you are deemed to accept and agree to the following:
The decision of the Selectors on all matters Is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
I understand that The Organizers reserves the right to make such changes to the exhibition arrangements and these Terms & Conditions as may be deemed necessary by circumstances.
I authorise The Organizers To process, store, and utilize the data in my submission and agree that, if selected for exhibition, images of my work can be freely used by The Organizers, The Gallery and associated organisations for promotional and publicity purposes.
All information provided by me is true and accurate and that the work submitted is wholly of my own creation.
I have read and understood these terms and conditions and by submitting this application I accept and agree to observe all the Terms And Conditions therein.
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
Open Submission
Artists are invited to submit two works to the RSW Annual exhibition. All works must be in a water based medium, this includes gouache, acrylic, pen & ink, collage and mixed media as well as traditional watercolour. Works submitted should be suitably presented and able to be hung, with no fixings on the back. Any unsuitable presentation may prejudice the hanging of works. No editioned prints will be accepted.
Call Status: Preselection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery
Entry Deadline: 10/11/2024, Midnight
Exhibition Contact: rswexhibitions@robbferguson.co.uk
Open For Entry: 1 October 2024
Entry Deadline: 10 November 2024, Midnight
Selection Notification: 3 December 2024
Artwork Delivery: 4 and 5 January 2025, 10am to 4.30pm
Private View: 10 January 2025, 6pm to 8pm
Exhibition Open To Public: 11 January 2025 to 5 February 2025, 10am to 5pm
Collection of unsold work: 8 Feb 10am - 4.30pm and 9 February 2025, 10am - 4.30pm
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
First or Single Entry Price: £20.00
Additional Entries: £10.00 per artwork up to 2 artworks.
When entering this call, the organisers request that you answer the following questions.
General Information
The exhibition will be held at The Royal Scottish Academy Building, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH2 2EL, open to the public between the following dates 11th January - 5th February 2025
All works must be in a water based medium, this includes gouache, acrylic, pen & ink, collage and mixed media as well as traditional watercolour. Works submitted should be suitably presented and able to be hung, with no fixings on the back. Any unsuitable presentation may prejudice the hanging of works. No editioned prints will be accepted.
Up to two works may be entered. One of unlimited size and one small work, maximum dimensions 60cm x 60xm.
Image Uploads
Image files should be JPG or PNG and no more than 5MB large. Upload time will depend on your internet connection speed so please be patient. If you are having problems uploading your images please use image editing software to resize your image to approximately 1600 pixels wide and then save as a new file. Image file names should not be too long and should not contain any invalid characters such as ' " & % * ( ) < > / \ ~ # + =
All exhibitors will be charged a commission of 40% on the sale price of work sold in the Exhibition. Please take this into account when pricing your work. All works must be for sale. Prices should include VAT if applicable. If you are VAT registered please provide a VAT number in the box provided.
Submission Fee
£20 for first work. £10 for second work. To be paid at the time of online submission.
Selection & Physical Submissions
After 3rd December 2024, artists will be required to log in to the OESS system to be advised of works which have been selected, and these works should then be submitted to the RSA Galleries on Artwork Receiving Days 4th and 5th January 2025. Please note any works not adhering to the conditions set out in this document may, at the Discretion of the Council/Hanging Committee, be rejected.
If selected, works must be free of all hooks and clearly marked ‘This Way Up’. A label will be emailed to all selected artists, please attach this to the back of your work. This label must be able to hang freely over the front of the work and should include your name, title of artwork, price and a contact phone number and email address.
Please also attach a permanent label to your work with name, title, price and a contact phone number.
Data Protection forms will be emailed to artists who have had their work selected, prior to physical submission. Please print this off, complete, and attach to the back of your artwork.
Hanging Fee
There is a £10 hanging fee for each work selected. Payment of hanging fees can be made by cash or card at the RSA on delivery of work or sent in an envelope with the art courier delivering your work. BACS transfer can also be made, via the RSW Exhibitions Administrator by emailing rswexhibitions@robbferguson.co.uk
Please note, if an artwork is not hung for any reason, any hanging fees that have been paid by an artist will be refunded. If necessary the RSW Exhibitions Administrator will arrange this.
All communication will be by email or via the online login process. Applicants will be required to login to see if they have been preselected. They will then need to print a label and a Data Protection Form which will be emailed to them. These should be delivered with the artwork if invited to physically submit the work. The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Artists are responsible for insuring their own work. All works accepted for exhibition will be displayed entirely at the artists' risk and organisers and the RSW will not accept liability for loss or damage occurring during the exhibition.
Delivery and Collection
Artists are responsible for the delivery and collection of their work at the Gallery. All packaging materials must be removed after delivery (no gallery storage is available for this) and brought back at collection. If you are applying from overseas please consider how you will get your work to and from the exhibition at the required times.
No works can be removed until the Exhibition closes under any circumstances. All works must be uplifted on the dates stated. There is no storage of any kind at the RSA and the RSW will not be responsible for storage of any uncollected works. Work not collected at the stated times will be subject to a daily charge of £10 and will be disposed of after one week.
All works must be delivered to the South Entrance (facing National Galleries), Royal Scottish Academy Building, The Mound, Edinburgh. There is no vehicle access at the RSA. Artists should make every attempt to use carriers or to come on foot/by public transport. Group deliveries can be arranged in advance with the RSW Exhibitions Administrator. A registration number will be required and specific time for delivery arranged.
International Artists
The RSW welcomes submissions from international artists, however there are additional considerations to bear in mind if you choose to submit from abroad. Please read the following information carefully before making your submission.
All non-UK residents are classified as NETPs (Non-Established Taxable Persons) and must register with HMRC (HM Revenue + Customs) for a UK VAT number before they can before they can sell work in the UK. Registering for a UK VAT number can be done online at www.gov.uk/vat-registration/how-to-register.
If your work is pre-selected then please complete the registration as soon as possible. We must receive your VAT number, or a copy of your email from HMRC indicating the process is underway, by the time of the preselection hand in.
As stated in our Regulations, all work should be for sale, therefore, failure to supply a valid UK VAT number will lead to the rejection of work. Please note, it can take up to four weeks for the application to be processed so it is important to register as soon as you are pre-selected.
Further information on UK VAT registration and non-established taxable persons (NETPs) can be found at www.gov.uk/government/collections/vat-notices-numerical-order under the section ‘VAT Notice 700/1: should I be registered for VAT?’
If you have any questions about VAT please contact HMRC’s helpline on 0300 200 3700 (UK) or +44 2920 501 261 (abroad). The RSW is unable to provide any assistance with this process, all questions should be directed to HMRC.
If you are unable to hand in your pre-selected work(s) in person then you will need to send/ship them to a local courier who can deliver/collect your work(s) on the official collection days and adhere to all the specifications listed in our Regulations. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to source a courier and make arrangements directly with them.
Below is a list of couriers who have delivered to us in the past. Please note – the RSW is not affiliated with any couriers and it is at their discretion if they can assist.
It is the artist’s responsibility to organise and pay for all shipping, declare the artwork on your international postage customs declaration form and pay any customs costs your country may impose; this also applies to the return shipping of your work.
The RSW will not be responsible for any damage sustained to work while in transit and we recommend you take out appropriate insurance.
The Regulations state that all packaging should be removed from works before handed in on submission days.
We appreciate this may be difficult to arrange if delivering from abroad. Where possible a courier should be found who can do this on your behalf. If that is not possible please email the RSW Exhibitions Administrator (rswexhibitions@robbferguson.co.uk) in advance of your delivery and we will advise if we can do this for you.
Our recommended art couriers Scotland & UK
– Van GoGo2 (Stuart Horsburgh) – vangogo2@gmail.com (Edinburgh, Glasgow, the Borders)
– Paul Gilzean – pggilzean@btinternet.com (Aberdeenshire, Dundee, Fife, Perth)
– Aardvark Art Services – www.aardvarkartservices.com (UK)
- ArtCargo - https://artcargo.co.uk/ (UK)
– Picture Post – picture-post.webnode.com (UK)
Due to exhibition Art work submission dates being very early in January 2025 all our recommended art couriers have stated they need artists to make arrangements with them to pick up by 20th December 2024 at the latest. More details will be available on this after online selections have been made.
By submitting to the exhibition, you are deemed to accept and agree to the following:
The RSW Selection Committee will select the works for the exhibition. The Selectors will consider all correctly completed submissions. The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
That The Organisers reserve the right to make such changes to the exhibition arrangements and to these Terms & Conditions as may be deemed necessary by circumstances.
You authorise The RSW to process, store, and utilise the data in your submission and agree that, if selected for exhibition, images of your work can be freely used by The RSW for promotional and publicity purposes.
All information provided by you is true and accurate and that the work submitted is wholly of your own creation.
You have read and understood these terms and conditions and by submitting this application you accept and agree to observe all the Terms and Conditions therein.
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
Non-Members 2025
Established in 1919, the Society of Graphic Fine Art is the only national society based in the UK which is dedicated exclusively to drawing. It exists to promote and exhibit original works of high quality in colour or black and white. This includes traditional and contemporary media. The emphasis is on excellence in drawing and draughtsmanship, demonstrated by hand.
Call Status: Final Selection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery
Entry Deadline: 04/01/2025, 5pm
Exhibition Contact: mikesclark@gmail.com
Artist Entry Dates
Entry Deadline Date: 4 January 2025
Entry Deadline Time: 5 pm
Selection Dates
Selection Notification: 24 January 2025
Artwork Delivery: Saturday 08 March 2025 10.00 am to 4.00 pm to Mall Galleries, The Mall, St. James, London SW1
Exhibition Dates
Exhibition Open to Public: Monday 10 to Saturday 15 March 2025
Times: Monday 12.00 to 5.00 pm, Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 to 5.00 pm
Private View: Tuesday 11 March 2025 6.00 - 9.00 pm.
Collection of unsold work: Wednesday 19 March 10.00 - 5.00 pm
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 5
First or Single Entry Price: £20.00
Additional Entries: £20.00 per artwork up to 5 artworks.
Please print out this information for reference to prevent unnecessary enquiries.
General Information
The exhibition will be held at the Mall Galleries, The Mall, St. James, London SW1.
Submissions of work are invited from visual artists working in any medium which demonstrate evidence of drawing.
Artwork Types
The SGFA exists to promote fine art drawing skills, to this end the selection committee will be looking for strong evidence of drawing in the work submitted.
Work that is eligible for submission includes: Any original artwork which demonstrates evidence of drawing by hand in any medium, monochrome or colour - pencil, watercolour, oils, coloured pens and pencils, pen and ink, pastels and oil pastels, charcoal, conté, or any of the forms of original printmaking and 3-Dimensional work.
Size of Pictures based on outside frame measurements:
Pictures up to 65 cm x 65 cm count as 1 work = £20.
Pictures between 65 cm x 1.30 m count as 2 works = £40 (largest dimension)
Pictures over this size count as 3 works = £60 and are at the Council's discretion.
Please select the entry number accordingly at the start of the entry process to make the correct payment. Oversized artworks submitted with incorrect payment will not be hung.
Work that is NOT eligible includes:
Digital imagery generated by computer.
Giclee prints and all other reproductions and facsimiles.
Work shown previously at Mall Galleries.
Work that is more than three years old.
Any work that might infringe on copyright law or is an identifiable reproduction of another’s composition (regardless of media) even with copyright waiver, or if the permission of the artist has been obtained.
All work must be for sale.
Pricing for framed work must observe minimum prices: Paintings and drawings £300; edition prints £180
Instructions for selected framed work
All framed work must be presented unpacked, labelled and ready for hanging.
Work must be labelled on the back in BLOCK CAPITALS with: Name of Artist, Title, Medium, Price.
Framing must be robust and sealed.
All metal attachments must be removed before delivery. Works should be sufficient to withstand mirror plating for hanging purposes. There should be no projections whatsoever from the back or front of the works. This is to prevent damage to other works.
Metal frames and clip frames are inadmissible. Elaborate framing and/or coloured mounts are not acceptable.
All framing must be of a professional standard and without damage. Backing boards must be taped in place.
The SGFA reserves the right to reject any work which has framing unsuitable for hanging, or is presented in an unacceptable condition.
Submission Procedure
Submission is by online entry only. Please click on the link from our website and follow the instructions.
Work selected for exhibition must be for sale. Commission of 40% will be charged for non-member sales. It will be assumed that the sale price includes the cost of any frame and our commission. Please allow for these points when pricing your work. Prices should include VAT if applicable. If you are VAT registered, please provide a VAT number in the box provided.
All communication will be by email or via the online login process. Applicants will be required to login to see if they have been selected and will be asked to download and print their application details to be delivered with the artwork. Failure to do so could result in work being withdrawn from the exhibition.
The Selection Committee will select the works for the exhibition. The Selectors will consider all correctly completed submissions. The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Artists are responsible for insuring their own work. All works accepted for exhibition will be displayed entirely at the artists' risk and organisers and the gallery will not accept liability for loss or damage occurring during the exhibition.
Delivery and Collection
Artists are responsible for the delivery and collection of their work at the Mall Galleries.
Hand-in will be on a Saturday at the stated times.
Courier deliveries will also be accepted on the Friday before hand-in.
The gallery will no longer accept early deliveries of work as there have been problems with tracing work at the hand-in and hang. If artists are unable to deliver or collect their work on the day, they will need to make their own arrangements with Art Moves of Chelsea, where there will be a charge for storage and delivery/collection. Contact Sharon at Art Moves of Chelsea, Chelsea Self Storage, Blantyre Street, London, SW10 0EQ, for details. Tel: 020 7352 7492.
All packaging materials must be removed after delivery as no gallery storage is available for this, and brought back at collection.
Work not collected at the stated times will be transported to Art Moves of Chelsea and subject to a weekly charge.
By submitting to the exhibition you are deemed to accept and agree to the following:
The decision of the Selectors on all matters Is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
I understand that The Organisers reserves the right to make such changes to the exhibition arrangements and these Terms & Conditions as may be deemed necessary by circumstances.
I authorise The Organisers To process, store, and utilise the data in my submission and agree that, if selected for exhibition, images of my work can be freely used by The Organisers, The Gallery and associated organisations for promotional and publicity purposes.
All information provided by me is true and accurate and that the work submitted is wholly of my own creation.
I have read and understood these terms and conditions and by submitting this application I accept and agree to observe all the Terms And Conditions therein.
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
Call Status: Final Selection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
Entry Deadline: 28/01/2025, 23:59
Exhibition Contact: exhibitions@mallgalleries.com
Submissions open: Friday 25 October 2024, 12 noon
Submissions close: Tuesday 28 January 2025, 23:59
Notification of selection: Friday 7 February, 12 noon
Receiving Day (if selected): Saturday 15 March, 10am to 5pm
Private View (invite only): Tuesday 25 March, 5pm to 9pm, official opening at 6:30pm
Exhibition opens: Wednesday 26 March, 10am to 5pm daily
Exhibition closes: Saturday 5 April, 5pm
Collection of unsold work: Thursday 10 April, 10am to 5pm
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 6
First or Single Entry Price: £20.00
Additional Entries: £20.00 per artwork up to 6 artworks.
Young Person under 36 years old.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 6
First or Single Entry Price: £14.00
Additional Entries: £14.00 per artwork up to 6 artworks.
Any artist aged 18 or over may enter, from anywhere in the world.
Artists may enter a maximum of six works each, from which up to four works per artist may be selected.
Works must have been completed within the last two years and should not have been previously shown in London.
Works should not be larger than 240 cm high and 150 cm wide including the frame. The Selection Committee has the right to exclude paintings that are over this limit.
All works must be an original creation by the artist.
Acceptable media: Watercolour or water-soluble mediums including watercolour, acrylic, ink or gouache (excluding water-soluble oils) on any appropriate support.
Please specify the type of support (for example paper, board, wood, parchment, etc) as well as the medium.
Submission Fee
There is a non-refundable submission fee of £20 per work, or £14 per work for artists aged 35 or under.
The submission fee includes free admission to the exhibition (normally £5).
All paintings must be well presented, and should be suitably framed (no metal or clips frames are permitted) and glazed with picture glass (except in special circumstances as below, or by prior arrangement with the RI).
Glazing in perspex and other similar transparent acrylic materials may be accepted, but only on works arriving from abroad or large works in frames exceeding 100 cm on the longest side.
All works submitted to the exhibition should be framed unless there is a genuine aesthetic reason for the work to remain unframed. If entering unframed work, please indicate it will be unframed in the artwork description. Artists entering unframed work do so at their own risk.
Frames or stretchers should be sufficiently substantial to withstand mirror plating with 12mm (size 6) screws.
Artists are advised to use plain, simple framing in a light or medium colour.
Please remove all fittings and fixings from the back of frames, for example D-rings and picture wire. This is to prevent damage to other works, and because we will mirror-plate works for hanging.
Delivery & Collection
Works should be delivered and collected on the specified receiving and collection days via the gallery's rear entrance at Mall Galleries, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5BD.
If you are unable to deliver or collect your work, you may send another person on your behalf – this may include an art courier (see below).
Artists are responsible for the costs of delivery and collection.
Works should be delivered unwrapped with the relevant form and labels, which are downloadable upon notification of selection.
All packaging must be taken away at the point of delivery.
We are unable to wrap works or provide wrapping for works being returned.
Any uncollected works will be removed from the gallery after the collection day and stored by an independent courier company at the artist's expense.
If works are not collected within 12 months of the collection day, the gallery will be entitled to destroy, sell, or otherwise dispose of the works without consent, prior notification, or compensation to the artist.
Art Couriers:
• London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Bristol
Art Moves of Chelsea
020 7352 7492
• Scotland, the North of England and Birmingham
Picture Post Art
07833 450788
Picture Post Art receive artwork for delivery to UK galleries: “handing in” unwrapped and storing packaging free of charge for reuse if required.
• Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Dorset
3 Lanes Transport
01736 799298 / 07970 948324
• Leicester, Loughborough, Coventry, Birmingham and Nottingham
JD Art Transport
07825 339787
• Norfolk and Suffolk
A S Elvin Transport Ltd
01502 677025
• Nationwide
Aardvark Art Services
01253 794673
• Wales
Mid Wales Freight
07866 731400 / 01974 282500
International Artists:
Many international artists use Picture Post Art to transport their work to and from Mall Galleries.
Picture Post Art arrange for the shipping of work from the artist's country to the UK, help artists to correctly fill out paperwork from customs, and store packaging for reuse if required.
Picture Post Art
+ 44 7833 450788
Please note that we do not accept liability for the services of any art courier.
The works for exhibition are selected by a committee formed of members of the Institute.
If selected works arrive damaged, with unacceptable framing, size discrepancies from the original submission, not as shown online, or in the opinion of the Selection Committee as not being in the spirit of watercolour painting, then these will be withdrawn. All withdrawn artworks will need to be collected from Mall Galleries by the artist at their expense.
The decision of the Selection Committee is final and we are unable to offer feedback.
The prize winning works are selected in time for the awards ceremony during the Private View, prior to the exhibition opening to the public.
All work must be for sale.
Once work has been submitted, any sale made by the gallery before or during the course of the exhibition up to and including the collection day shall take precedence and supersede one made privately. Any private sale made in this period will incur the normal commission.
There is a minimum price per work of £350.
Unless otherwise advised, the gallery will charge a commission on the total price paid for works, including commissioned works, before, during, or as a result of the exhibition.
The price submitted should be the selling price, which should include commission, and is the price at which the work will be sold.
The price of works must include commission of 45% +VAT. If an artist is registered for VAT, then the VAT due on the selling price of works should be included in the price submitted.
Mall Galleries reserves the right to query the price of works.
The price of works may only be changed by written agreement between the artist and Mall Galleries.
You will be notified by Mall Galleries if your work sells.
Artists who are not resident in the UK but are resident in the EU or elsewhere are welcome to submit work. If your work is selected for the exhibition, you have a responsibility to register and account for UK VAT with H.M. Revenue & Customs.
Artists without a UK residence, known as 'NETPs' (non-established taxable persons) can find further details on 'NETP' status and how to register for VAT at www.hmrc.gov.uk (HM Revenues & Customs Reference: Notice 700/1, Mar 2014) under the heading 'Should I be registered for VAT?'
Please note: the registration process can take up to 4 weeks. Please address any questions you may have to the VAT Helpline on tel. no. 0300 200 3700 or Outside UK: +44 2920 501 261.
Personal Data
The gallery will hold personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, the gallery may provide third parties with an artist's contact details in the course of administering exhibitions, commissions and prizes.
The gallery has the right to reproduce works in connection with the exhibition.
The copyright and all other intellectual property rights will remain with the artist. If any rights are owned by a third party, that third party will remain the owner.
By submitting your contact details, you agree to be contacted about similar activities, such as artist opportunities and open calls organised by Mall Galleries / Federation of British Artists.
The gallery is not responsible for any loss of, or any damage to, works entrusted to them. All goods are at the artist owner's risk absolutely and the gallery and/or their agents exclude all liability to the maximum extent permitted by law. The galleries are used for various purposes and so artists are advised to insure their works against all risks.
The gallery endeavours to take good care of works sent for exhibition, but in the event of a work sent being lost, destroyed or damaged, the gallery's liability (if any) shall not exceed the value of the work as stated at the time of submission (less 45% plus VAT) or any altered price subsequently.
In the event of any dispute regarding loss or damage, the dispute shall be referred for final arbitration to an independent expert valuer to be chosen by agreement between the parties, provided that the arbitrator's award shall not exceed the gallery's maximum liability as above.
Artists shall indemnify and keep indemnified the gallery against any actions between the artist and any third party.
If you require support with your application, please contact:
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
Exploring the landscape, challenging audiences
We are looking for sculptors to take part in our second ‘Sculpture in the Landscape’ exhibition, set alongside our permanent collection of 90 mixed media pieces, to enhance the landscape and challenge audiences of all ages when visiting the 45-acre award winning garden & parkland in North Yorkshire.
Our charitable objectives are the advancement of the arts, horticulture and environmental protection, particularly but not exclusively by promoting the cultivation and conservation of rare and endangered plant species of the world and the use of sculpture within natural and cultivated landscapes.
Call Status: Final Selection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery
Entry Deadline: 05/02/2025, 4pm
Exhibition Contact: Info@himalayangarden.com
Artist Entry Dates
Open for Entry: 1st July 2024
Entry Deadline Date: 5th February 2025
Entry Deadline Time: 4pm
Selection Dates
Selection Deadline: By 10th February 2025
Selection Notification: By 17th February 2025
Artwork Delivery: By 28th March 2025
Exhibition Dates
Exhibition Open to Public: 8th April 2025 to Sunday 2nd November 2025
Collection of unsold work: By 21 November 2025
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 3
First or Single Entry Price: £20.00
Up to 2 artworks: £30.00
Up to 3 artworks: £40.00
General Information
The exhibition will be held at the Himalayan Garden & Sculpture Park in North Yorkshire during its open season for 2025 and will be set alongside its permanent collection of 90 outdoor sculptures and land art.
Submissions of work are invited from visual artists working in any medium suitable for an outdoor environment. Work must be of the artist’s own creation and contain a statement about the artwork.
Robust enough for outdoor display.
Need to supply own base/stand if required
No cement fixing into ground
Consideration to decommissioning
Image Uploads
Image files should be JPG or PNG and no more than 5MB large. Upload time will depend on your internet connection speed so please be patient. If you are having problems uploading your images please use image editing software to resize your image to approximately 1600 pixels wide and then save as a new file. Image file names should not be too long and should not contain any invalid characters such as ' " & % * ( ) < > / ~ # + =
Submission Procedure
Submission is by online entry through the OESS only.
Please note the images and descriptions entered on your application will be used for the online gallery, please make sure names, titles and prices of your pieces are correctly entered on your application.
Works may be for sale or not for sale - with buyers dealing directly with the artist concerning payment. There is NO commission to pay on a sale to the organizers.
All pieces (including those sold) must stay in situ until the end of the exhibition on Sunday 2nd November, 2025.
All communication will be by email or via the online login process. Applicants will be required to login to see if they have been preselected. Once selected, the Himalayan Garden will contact you to discuss installation requirements within the garden & park.
The Selection Committee will select the works for the exhibition. The Selectors will consider all correctly completed submissions. The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Artists are responsible for insuring their own work. All works accepted for exhibition will be displayed entirely at the artists' risk and the organisers will not accept liability for loss or damage occurring during the exhibition.
Delivery and Collection
Artists are responsible for the delivery and collection of their work and help will be provided with installation within the garden. All packaging materials must be removed after delivery and brought back at collection. If you are applying from overseas, please consider how you will get your work to and from the exhibition at the required times.
By submitting to the exhibition you are deemed to accept and agree to the following:
The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into. I understand that The Organisers reserves the right to make such changes to the exhibition arrangements and these Terms & Conditions as may be deemed necessary by circumstances. I authorise The Organisers to process, store, and utilise the data in my submission and agree that, if selected for exhibition, images of my work can be freely used by The Organisers and associated organizations for promotional and publicity purposes.
All information provided by me is true and accurate and that the work submitted is wholly of my own creation. I have read and understood these terms and conditions and by submitting this application I accept and agree to observe all the Terms And Conditions therein.
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
Call Status: Preselection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
Entry Deadline: 06/02/2025, Midday
Exhibition Contact: exhibitions@mallgalleries.com
Submissions open: Friday 1 November 2024, 12 noon
Submissions close: Thursday 6 February 2025, 12 noon
Notification of pre-selection: Tuesday 11 February, 12 noon
Receiving Day (if pre-selected): Saturday 1 March, 10am to 5pm
Notification of final selection: Tuesday 4 March, 12 noon
Collection of unaccepted work: Thursday 6 March, 10am to 5pm
Private View (invite only): Wednesday 7 May, 11am to 8pm, official opening at 6:30pm
Exhibition opens: Thursday 8 May, 10am to 5pm daily
Exhibition closes: Saturday 17 May, 5pm
Collection of unsold work: Thursday 22 May, 10am to 5pm
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 4
First or Single Entry Price: £20.00
Additional Entries: £20.00 per artwork up to 4 artworks.
Young Person under 36 years old.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 4
First or Single Entry Price: £14.00
Additional Entries: £14.00 per artwork up to 4 artworks.
When entering this call, the organisers request that you answer the following questions.
Any artist aged 18 or over may enter, from anywhere in the world.
Artists may enter a maximum of four works each, from which up to three works per artist may be selected.
The Society welcomes paintings, drawings and original prints - including digital/iPad prints. Sculpture and photography are not admissible.
Works should be based on a sitting or study of the human figure from life. We understand that artists may use photographs for assistance but the primary source should be from life.
Works must have been completed in the last three years and not been exhibited in London previously.
Works should not be larger than 2.4m along the longest dimension.
All works must be an original creation by the artist.
Any artist is eligible to apply to become a candidate for membership of the Society, provided their work is selected into the annual exhibition and they have registered their intent to apply.
To find out about the application process and the roles and responsibilities of membership, please read more here.
Submission Fee
There is a non-refundable submission fee of £20 per work, or £14 per work for artists aged 35 or under.
The submission fee includes free admission to the exhibition (normally £5).
Frames or stretchers should be sufficiently substantial to withstand mirror plating with 12mm (size 6) screws.
Artists are advised to use plain, simple framing.
Metal frames, unprotected glass edges and clip frames are inadmissible.
Please remove all fittings and fixings from the back of works, for example D-rings and picture wire. This is to prevent damage to other works, and because we will mirror-plate works for hanging.
Delivery & Collection
Works should be delivered and collected on the specified receiving and collection days via the gallery's rear entrance at Mall Galleries, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5BD.
If you are unable to deliver or collect your work, you may send another person on your behalf – this may include an art courier (see below).
Artists are responsible for the costs of delivery and collection.
Works should be delivered unwrapped with the relevant form and labels, which are downloadable upon notification of selection.
All packaging must be taken away at the point of delivery.
We are unable to wrap works or provide wrapping for works being returned.
Any uncollected works will be removed from the gallery after the collection day and stored by an independent courier company at the artist's expense.
If works are not collected within 12 months of the collection day, the gallery will be entitled to destroy, sell, or otherwise dispose of the works without consent, prior notification, or compensation to the artist.
Art Couriers:
Below is a list of art couriers by region:
• London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Bristol
Art Moves of Chelsea
020 7352 7492
• Scotland, the North of England and Birmingham
Picture Post Art
07833 450788
Picture Post Art receive artwork for delivery to UK galleries: “handing in” unwrapped and storing packaging free of charge for reuse if required.
• Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Dorset
3 Lanes Transport
01736 799298 / 07970 948324
• Leicester, Loughborough, Coventry, Birmingham and Nottingham
JD Art Transport
07825 339787
• Norfolk and Suffolk
A S Elvin Transport Ltd
01502 677025
• Nationwide
Aardvark Art Services
01253 794673
• Wales
Mid Wales Freight
07866 731400 / 01974 282500
International Artists:
Many international artists use Picture Post Art to transport their work to and from Mall Galleries.
Picture Post Art arrange for the shipping of work from the artist's country to the UK, help artists to correctly fill out paperwork from customs, and store packaging for reuse if required.
Picture Post Art
+ 44 7833 450788
Please note that we do not accept liability for the services of any art courier.
The works for exhibition are selected by a committee formed of members of the Society.
For an outline of the submission and selection process, please see ‘How to Submit’ (here).
If works arrive damaged, with unacceptable framing, size discrepancies from the original submission, or not as shown online, these will be withdrawn and will need to be collected from Mall Galleries by the artist at their expense.
The decision of the Selection Committee is final and we are unable to offer feedback.
The prize winning works are selected in time for the awards ceremony during the Private View, prior to the exhibition opening to the public.
Although the exhibition is an excellent opportunity to sell work, works may be listed as not for sale.
Once work has been submitted, any sale made by the gallery before or during the course of the exhibition up to and including the collection day shall take precedence and supersede one made privately. Any private sale made in this period will incur the normal commission.
If for sale, work must have a minimum sale price of £300 (framed prints: £180, unframed prints £120 - buyers will not be charged for postage and packaging of unframed prints, so please ensure the price of unframed prints allows for this).
Unless otherwise advised, the gallery will charge a commission on the total price paid for works, including commissioned works, before, during, or as a result of the exhibition.
The price submitted should be the selling price, which should include commission, and is the price at which the work will be sold.
The price of works must include commission of 45% +VAT. If an artist is registered for VAT, then the VAT due on the selling price of works should be included in the price submitted.
Mall Galleries reserves the right to query the price of works.
The price of works may only be changed by written agreement between the artist and Mall Galleries.
You will be notified by Mall Galleries if your work sells.
Artists who are not resident in the UK but are resident in the EU or elsewhere are welcome to submit work. If your work is selected for the exhibition, you have a responsibility to register and account for UK VAT with H.M. Revenue & Customs.
Artists without a UK residence, known as 'NETPs' (non-established taxable persons) can find further details on 'NETP' status and how to register for VAT at www.hmrc.gov.uk (HM Revenues & Customs Reference: Notice 700/1, Mar 2014) under the heading 'Should I be registered for VAT?'
Please note: the registration process can take up to 4 weeks. Please address any questions you may have to the VAT Helpline on tel. no. 0300 200 3700 or Outside UK: +44 2920 501 261.
Personal Data
The gallery will hold personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, the gallery may provide third parties with an artist's contact details in the course of administering exhibitions, commissions and prizes.
The gallery has the right to reproduce works in connection with the exhibition.
The copyright and all other intellectual property rights will remain with the artist. If any rights are owned by a third party, that third party will remain the owner.
By submitting your contact details, you agree to be contacted about similar activities, such as artist opportunities and open calls organised by Mall Galleries / Federation of British Artists.
The gallery is not responsible for any loss of, or any damage to, works entrusted to them. All goods are at the artist owner's risk absolutely and the gallery and/or their agents exclude all liability to the maximum extent permitted by law. The galleries are used for various purposes and so artists are advised to insure their works against all risks.
The gallery endeavours to take good care of works sent for exhibition, but in the event of a work sent being lost, destroyed or damaged, the gallery's liability (if any) shall not exceed the value of the work as stated at the time of submission (less 45% plus VAT) or any altered price subsequently.
In the event of any dispute regarding loss or damage, the dispute shall be referred for final arbitration to an independent expert valuer to be chosen by agreement between the parties, provided that the arbitrator's award shall not exceed the gallery's maximum liability as above.
Artists shall indemnify and keep indemnified the gallery against any actions between the artist and any third party.
If you require support with your application, please contact:
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
A showcase for artists based in Coventry and the West Midlands.
Set up to showcase local talent and provide selling opportunities for artists, Coventry Open celebrates the quality and diversity of art being produced in Coventry and the wider region. Visual artists working in any medium are invited to submit images and supporting information about their work.
Submitting your work for consideration is completely free and open to anyone in the West Midlands regardless of prior experience. A £1000 prize is available for one winning entry chosen by the independent judging panel.
An additional £500 prize will be awarded to the 'people’s choice' winner, which will be voted for by visitors to the exhibition.
Building on the success of 2023, the Herbert will again be hosting the Young Artists Coventry Open, offering young artists aged 15-18 a chance to exhibit their work in a professional gallery setting. There is a separate submission process for the Young Artists Coventry Open.
Call Status: Preselection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
Entry Deadline: 17/02/2025, Midnight
Exhibition Contact: covopen@cvlife.co.uk
Artist Entry Dates
Open for Entry: Tuesday 7 January 2025
Entry Deadline Date: Monday 17 February 2025
Entry Deadline Time: 12 midnight
[Note: All online portal support will close at 4:30 pm Monday 17 February]
Shortlisting Dates
Shortlisting Deadline: Thursday 27 February 2025
Shortlisting Notification: Friday 28 February 2025
Shortlist Artwork Delivery: Saturday 8 [10AM - 4PM] and Sunday 9 [12PM - 4PM] March 2025
Dates for final stage of judging:
Selection Dates
Final Judging Day: Monday 10 March 2025
Final Selection Notification: Tuesday 11 March 2025
Artwork Collection of Unsuccessful Entries: Wednesday 12 March - Sunday 16 March 2025
Exhibition Dates
Private view: Thursday 27 March 2025, 6-8pm
Exhibition Open to Public: Friday 28 March - Sunday 8 June 2025
Collection of Artwork: Wednesday 11 June - Sunday 15 June 2025
If collection dates are not suitable for artists, alternative dates must be arranged with the exhibition curator. Artwork will not be held for longer than the month of June 2025.
Artists with sold pieces should collect the work and arrange to transfer it to the buyer themselves.
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
Free Entry - please check conditions in Entry Details and Information.
When entering this call, the organisers request that you answer the following questions.
General Information
The exhibition will be held at Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Jordan Well, Coventry CV1 5QP
Artists must be aged 19 or over and living, studying or working in the West Midlands region: Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, the Metropolitan districts of Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton.
Submissions of work are invited from visual artists and artist collaborations working in any medium including: Painting, Drawing, Photography, Digital, Print, Sculpture, Mixed media, Installation, Video/Audio, Performance, Other.
Eligibility of work: Work produced in any medium is welcome.
• 2D work should not exceed 2m in any direction, including frame.
• 3D work should be portable by one person and not exceed 1.5m in any direction.
• Electronically powered work should be submitted with written evidence that the work has been PAT tested.
• Film should not exceed 10 minutes running time.
Work submitted must be original and the artist must undertake that they hold all moral and intellectual property rights in that work and that the work does not infringe the moral and intellectual property rights belonging to any third party.
Work must have been made after April 2023.
Culture Coventry reserves the right to exclude work that poses a health and safety risk or is deemed inappropriate in content.
Submission Procedure
Submission is by online entry only. Please click on the link on our website and follow the instructions.
Work selected for exhibition can be for sale, but this isn't obligatory. No commission will be taken by the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum if work is sold. Artists will receive the full selling price of the work. It will be assumed that the sale price includes the cost of any framing. Please allow for this when pricing your work. Artists are responsible for their own VAT payments. Artists are responsible for the sale, packaging, and delivery of their work to the buyer after the exhibition. Works will not be handed to buyers at the end of the exhibition.
All communication will be by email or via the online login process. Applicants will be required to log in to see if they have been pre-selected and will be asked to download and print their application details to be delivered with the artwork. Failure to do so could result in work being withdrawn from the exhibition.
The Selection Committee will select the works for the exhibition. The Selectors will consider all correctly completed submissions. The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Work will be kept secure and handled with professional care, but Culture Coventry does not accept liability for loss or damage during the transport, storage, selection, and exhibition periods. Artists are responsible for insuring their own work. All works will be submitted entirely at the artist’s risk.
Delivery and Collection
Artists are responsible for the delivery and collection of their work at the Herbert. All packaging materials must be removed after delivery (no storage space is available) and brought back at collection.
Sold works are to be collected by artists and they are responsible for packaging and transferring to the buyer.
Culture Coventry reserves the right to dispose of work that is not collected by the end of Monday 30 June 2025.
The artist will be informed of this by email.
By submitting to the exhibition you are deemed to accept and agree to the following:
The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
I understand that The Organisers reserve the right to make such changes to the exhibition arrangements and these Terms & Conditions as may be deemed necessary by circumstances.
I authorise The Organisers to process, store and utilise the data in my submission and agree that, if selected for exhibition, images of my work can be freely used by The Organisers, The Gallery, and associated organisations for promotional and publicity purposes.
All information provided by me is true and accurate and the work submitted is wholly of my own creation.
I have read and understood these Terms & Conditions and by submitting this application I accept and agree to observe all the Terms & Conditions therein.
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
A showcase for young artists (15-18 years) based in Coventry and the West Midlands.
This year the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum are hosting the second Coventry Open, Young Artists category, celebrating and showcasing the quality and diversity of art being produced by young creatives in Coventry and the wider region. Young artists aged 15-18 years, working in any medium are invited to submit images and supporting information about their work.
Submitting your work for consideration is completely free and open to anyone in the West Midlands regardless of prior experience.
This is your opportunity to showcase your artwork in a professional gallery setting. An independent judge will select artworks for the exhibition. The Young artist awarded the 'Judges' Favourite' will receive a £250 prize
The submission and selection process for Young Artists Coventry Open is entirely online.
Only successful entrants will be asked to deliver their work to the gallery.
Call Status: Final Selection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
Entry Deadline: 17/02/2025, Midnight
Exhibition Contact: covopen@cvlife.co.uk
Artist Entry Dates
Open for Entry: Tuesday 7 January 2025
Entry Deadline Date: Monday 17 February 2025
Entry Deadline Time: 12 midnight
[Note: All online portal support will close at 4:30 pm Monday 17 February]
Selection Dates
Selection Deadline: Tuesday 25 February 2025
Selection Notification: Wednesday 26 February 2025
Successful Artwork Delivery: Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 March 2025
Exhibition Dates
Private view: Thursday 27 March 2025, 6-8 pm
Exhibition Open to Public: Friday 28 March - Sunday 8 June 2025
Collection of Work: Wednesday 11 - Sunday 15 June 2025
If collection dates are not suitable for artists, alternative dates must be arranged with the exhibition curator. Artwork will not be held for longer than the month of June 2025.
Artists with sold pieces should collect the work and arrange to transfer it to the buyer themselves.
Young Person under 19 years old.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
Free Entry - please check conditions in Entry Details and Information.
When entering this call, the organisers request that you answer the following questions.
General Information
The exhibition will be held at Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Jordan Well, Coventry CV1 5QP
Artists must be aged 15-18 years and living, studying or working in the West Midlands region: Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, the Metropolitan districts of Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton.
Submissions of work are invited from visual artists and artist collaborations working in any medium including: Painting, Drawing, Photography, Digital, Print, Sculpture, Mixed media, Installation, Video/Audio, Performance, Other.
Eligibility of work: Work produced in any medium is welcome.
• 2D work should not exceed 2m in any direction, including frame.
• 3D work should be portable by one person and not exceed 1.5m in any direction.
• Electronically powered work should be submitted with written evidence that the work has been PAT tested.
• Film should not exceed 10 minutes running time.
Work submitted must be original and the artist must undertake that they hold all moral and intellectual property rights in that work and that the work does not infringe the moral and intellectual property rights belonging to any third party.
Work must have been made after April 2023.
Culture Coventry reserves the right to exclude work that poses a health and safety risk or is deemed inappropriate in content.
Submission Procedure
Submission is by online entry only. Please click on the link on our website and follow the instructions.
Work selected for exhibition can be for sale, but this isn't obligatory. No commission will be taken by the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum if work is sold. Artists will receive the full selling price of work. It will be assumed that the sale price includes the cost of any framing. Please allow for this when pricing your work. Artists are responsible for their own VAT payments. Artists are responsible for the sale of their work and the packaging and delivery of their work to the buyer after the exhibition. Works will not be handed to buyers at the end of the exhibition.
All communication will be by email or via the online login process. Applicants will be required to login to see if they have been selected and will be asked to download and print their application details to be delivered with the artwork. Failure to do so could result in work being withdrawn from the exhibition.
The Selection Committee will select the works for the exhibition. The Selectors will consider all correctly completed submissions. The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Work will be kept secure and handled with professional care, but Culture Coventry does not accept liability for loss or damage during the transport, storage, selection, and exhibition periods. Artists are responsible for insuring their own work. All works will be submitted entirely at the artist’s risk.
Delivery and Collection
Artists are responsible for the delivery and collection of their work at the Herbert. All packaging materials must be removed after delivery (no storage space is available for this) and brought back at collection.
Sold works are to be collected by artists and they are responsible for packaging and transferring to the buyer.
Culture Coventry reserves the right to dispose of work that is not collected by the end of Monday 30 June 2025.
The artist will be informed of this by email.
By submitting to the exhibition you are deemed to accept and agree to the following:
The decision of the Selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
I understand that The Organisers reserve the right to make such changes to the exhibition arrangements and these Terms & Conditions as may be deemed necessary by circumstances.
I authorise The Organisers to process, store and utilise the data in my submission and agree that, if selected for exhibition, images of my work can be freely used by The Organisers, The Gallery, and associated organisations for promotional and publicity purposes.
All information provided by me is true and accurate and the work submitted is wholly of my creation.
I have read and understood these Terms & Conditions and by submitting this application I accept and agree to observe all the Terms & Conditions therein.
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy